Requirements For Giving Birth Using BPJS Health, Must Watch!

YOGYAKARTA Birth or childbirth is one of the midwifery services borne by BPJS Kesehatan. Everyone who has been registered as a participant can get these benefits. So, what are the requirements for giving birth using BPJS Kesehatan?

It should be noted, according to Article 18 of the Regulation of the Minister of Health (Permenkes) Number 3 of 2023, there are four obstetric services borne by BPJS Kesehatan at non-capitation rates, including:

In order for the cost of normal delivery or caesarean to be borne by BPJS Kesehatan, participants must prepare a number of documents, such as:

If all these conditions have been met, participants can follow the following steps to get coverage for childbirth costs from BPJS Kesehatan:

BPJS Kesehatan bears the cost of pervaginal or normal delivery in first-level health facilities such as health centers, clinics, and type D hospitals.

Not only that, BPJS Kesehatan also bears the costs of examination of the womb, ranging from treatment registration to delivery after delivery.

The costs of childbirth borne by BPJS include:

Meanwhile, the post-laboratory maintenance costs borne by BPJS include:

BPJS Kesehatan tidak mengungi biaya operasi caesarean atas keinginan sendiri tanpa indikasi medis. Akan tetapi, BPJS Kesehatan akan menggung jika ibu hamil perlu dirujuk ke rumah sakit type C untuk melahirkan secara caesarear karena alasan medis tertentu.

The first level health facility can refer to pregnant women if pregnancy is considered a high risk, such as:

Replacement of operating costs will be determined based on classes, maternal health conditions, and other considerations. This provision does not include the cost of examination and other treatments required by the mother after giving birth.

The cost of the caesarean operation borne by BPJS is:

This is information about the conditions for giving birth using BPJS Kesehatan. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.