School Entry Age Rules In PPDB 2024: Registration Of Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High School, And High School
YOGYAKARTA - The opening of the 2024 New Student Admissions (PPDB) takes place from May to July. This moment has been awaited by many parents who want to include their children in the new school level, be it kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, and high school.
During the admission period for new students, usually parents will be bothered with various preparations for their child registration. What is also an important consideration is the age limit for entering school.
Age limit is an important requirement to register in a new school for students. This provision includes the lowest age limit and the highest age for students can be accepted. So what are the rules for school age that parents or guardians must know?
The government has regulated the age limit in PPDB registration. These provisions are contained in the Regulation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbud Ristek) Number 1 of 2021 concerning Acceptance of New Students in Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High School, High School, and Vocational School.
Permendikbud, Research and Technology does not only regulate the age limit for entering school, the Law also regulates several other things such as requirements, implementation stages, registration lines, re-data collection, and data updating.
The following are the requirements for new student registration for all levels of school that every parent needs to understand:
The age limit that is a requirement in registering the Kindergarten (TK) level is:
There are various provisions and requirements to enter elementary school (SD) level, namely as follows:
In implementing PPDB, the acceptance of prospective new students prioritizes the 7 year old elementary school 1 class.
The lowest age requirement can be tolerated to the lowest, namely 5 years and 6 months on July 1, in the current year for prospective students who have:
Prospective students who have special intelligence and/or talent and psychological readiness include written recommendations from professional psychologists. If you don't find a professional psychologist, the recommendation letter can be given by the school teacher council concerned.
Requirements for entering the Junior High School (SMP) level apply with the following age limit:
Provisions for entering High School (SMA) are applied as follows:
Vocational High School with the field of expertise, expertise program, or competence of certain expertise can establish additional special requirements in the acceptance of new students in grade 10. This age requirement is evidenced by several documents, such as:
Age requirements are excluded for schools with the criteria:
Based on last year's PPDB implementation, registration for elementary, junior high, and high school students was opened based on four channels, namely zoning, affirmation, transfer of parental/guardian duties, and achievements. Meanwhile, prospective kindergarten students do not need to follow the registration path above.
That is information on the age of entering school that must be understood by parents. If your child meets the requirements above to enter the intended school level, then just prepare other requirements. Also read the reasons why students are not required to join the Scout exkul.
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