Said Iqbal Calls The Ideal Wage For DKI Jakarta Rp7 Million Per Month

JAKARTA - President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal said the ideal wage for DKI Jakarta is IDR 7 million in a month. This is based on the results of a survey to fulfill life.

"So, it's close to IDR 7 million. This is from the results of a BPS survey called SBH, a live cost survey," Said Iqbal told reporters at the Horse Statue, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 1.

He admitted that actually based on the BPS survey, the ideal wage in DKI Jakarta was Rp. 5.2 million. However, according to him, it is not enough, if you look at the fulfillment of life in Jakarta.

"It's just a matter of renting a house 900 thousand, consuming 30 thousand meals 3 days 90 thousand times 30 days 2.7. 2.7 plus 9 already 3.6. Then count again is transportation. Say the average transportation is 700 already 4.3, only those that have been disposed of," he said.

"How about clothes, children's snacks are not enough if the minimum wage is like the current one," he continued.

Previously, it was reported that a number of elements of workers held demonstrations to commemorate International Labor Day (May Day) in several locations. One of them is the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta.

The President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal revealed that the Job Creation Law is still the cause of the problem of workers' welfare since the regulation was promulgated until now.

Another problem that the workers demand is the rejection of the workers' low wages.

"These two issues have become a problem for workers in the last 5 years. The Omnibus Law on the Copyright Act has resulted in layoffs everywhere," said Said Iqbal when met at the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 1.

According to Said Iqbal, the fact is that the Ciptaker Law is not effective in absorbing labor. During 2023, KSPI noted that hundreds of thousands of workers were laid off.

The Ciptaker Law, he continued, also resulted in a very low increase in the minimum wage every year. The government limits the increase in the UMP to a maximum of 5 percent per region.

Meanwhile, workers demand a 15 percent wage increase by considering meeting their daily costs amid rising prices.