Sarwendah Worried That Jordi-Ruben Onsu's Feud Will Have A Bad Impact On Her Children

JAKARTA - Celebrity Ruben Onsu admitted that he was having a feud with his younger brother Jordi Onsu because of family problems. But unfortunately, many suspect that this started when a video of a cut was spread showing Jordi feeling disgust by the presence of Betrand Putra Onsu alias Onyo.

Seeing this, Jordi admitted that it was not true. He made it clear that the video was a video that had been cut into pieces and re-uploaded on social media.

"If it's crowded everywhere, the news is cut into pieces. What's strange is that the news is cut into pieces and then Ruben says, 'yes, it hasn't been a year'. Well, even though the video isn't that," said Jordi Onsu in the Karawaci area, Tangerang, Monday, April 29.

This incident is quite worrying Sarwenda as the wife of Ruben Onsu and Jordi Onsu's brother-in-law to his children, especially Thalia and Thania, who can already read.

This is because gossip related to the feud between Jordi and Ruben has begun to involve his two daughters.

"I'm confused about the gossip that my child is around me, sometimes people are excited," continued Sarwendah.

"My children and I are not feeling well, Thalia has also started to be able to read, Thania has also started to be able to read, even if they don't play social media, but what if they can read it later, even though there's nothing like that, you know," concluded Sarwendah.