NasDem Denies Supporting Prabowo Because He Can't Hold The Opposition, Alluding To The Issue Of Glory

Secretary General of the NasDem Party, Hermawi Taslim, denied that his party's decision to support and join the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka government was because he could not stand the opposition.

Hermawi also dismissed that NasDem General Chair Surya Paloh wanted to continue to be in power to secure his business interests. He also mentioned the matter of glory both in opposition and coalition.

"For NasDem, inside or outside the government (the opposition), each has its own glory," Hermawi told VOI, Tuesday, April 30.

Hermawi emphasized that NasDem's main consideration in taking a position is the question where NasDem can play a position for his service to the homeland and nation.

"In this context, NasDem ensures that it is more optimal to contribute to development if it supports the government," said Hermawi.

Previously, the Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Review (IPR), Ujang Komarudin, said that the NasDem Party is a pragmatic party that needs power for economic and even legal interests. Besides that, NasDem does not have opposition traditions and DNA.

"NasDem does not have opposition traditions, does not have opposition DNA even though the party was born after reform, PKS has it. In that context, I see that NasDem will end up joining the Prabowo-Gibran government, including PKB as well," said Ujang when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, April 30.

"Why is that? Because of the need for power, because power is good to have everything, both in the context of economy, law, business can be obtained when in power," he continued.

According to Ujang, NasDem could not stand the opposition because it was at risk of economic and business sustainability, as well as legal issues in the future. Being outside the government for NasDem, it is tantamount to making it difficult for parties and suffering.

"The opposition was tricked, difficult, difficult, suffering, so not many parties took the opposition option, and that's why many parties are close together. So that's NasDem's consideration to enter the government in accordance with my predictions," said the political observer at Al Azhar University Indonesia (UAI).