Too Often Coloring Hair, Know The Consequences For Body Health

JAKARTA - Haircoloring is a popular method for people to express style and improve appearance. Either to cover gray hair, experiment with a new color, or just change appearance, many people turn to hair coloring as a regular part of body care. However, frequent hair coloring, especially with chemical dyes, can give rise to several side effects to watch out for before undergoing the process.

One of the main concerns related to hair coloring that is too frequent is the damage it causes to hair stems. Chemical hair dyes contain ingredients such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which help penetrate hair citcules and store color molecules. However, these chemicals can also remove hair natural oils and proteins, causing dry, brittle, and damage. Over time, repeated exposure to these hard chemicals can weaken hair stems, causing hair to become dull, curly, and prone to branching.

In addition to physical damage, frequent hair coloring can also irritate the scalp and cause allergic reactions in some people. Chemicals found in hair dyes can have a negative impact on sensitive skin in the scalp, causing itching, redness, and inflammation. In some cases, it can also cause more severe allergic reactions, such as itching, swelling, or even moisturizing. These reactions can be very worrying especially for those of you who have sensitive skin or pre-existing head skin problems, such as eczema or psoriasis.

Not only that, often the ingredients found in hair dyes are also associated with long-term health risk potential. Several studies show the possible link between certain chemicals found in hair dyes and increased risk of certain cancers, including bladder cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. While the available evidence is not conclusive, it is important for you to be aware of this potential risk and consider it when deciding whether to color your hair frequently or not.

In addition to physical and health problems, frequent hair coloring can also have psychological effects. Many people around the world rely on hair coloring as a means of increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. However, if the results of coloring that are often done are not as expected or cause negative side effects such as hair damage or skin irritation. So this can have a negative impact on self-image and overall mental well-being. This can cause feelings of dissatisfaction with appearance, it can even cause problems with body image or low self-esteem.

Given this potential side effect, you must be careful if you often color your hair. It is important to choose hair dyes free of hard chemicals and follow the instructions closely in order to minimize the risk of damage or irritation. In addition, for those of you who have sensitive skin or an allergic history, you must do a patch test before applying hair dye to the entire head skin with the aim of checking adverse reactions.

Finally, it is recommended to give hair breaks between coloring sessions so that hair can recover and restore its natural balance. By paying attention to these factors, you can enjoy the benefits of hair coloring while minimizing the potential risks to hair and health as a whole.