National Police Chief Inaugurates Brigadier General Dwi Irianto As Southeast Sulawesi Police Chief

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo officially inaugurated Brigadier General Dwi Irianto as Head of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) Police. Thus, Dwi Irianto became a two-star or inspector general (Irjen).

The inauguration of Brigadier General Dwi Irianto was held in Rupatama, Police Headquarters, Monday, April 29. The inauguration process was attended by the main official of the National Police Headquarters.

"The National Police Chief directly leads the handover ceremony for the position of the Southeast Sulawesi Police Chief," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko in his statement.

The appointment of Brigadier General Dwi Irianto is based on the Mutation STR Number: ST/759/IV/KEP./2024 dated April 26, 2024. He will replace Inspector General Teguh Pristiwanto who has entered retirement.

Brigadier General Dwi Irianto previously served as Deputy Chief of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police. Thus, it is believed to have experience in leading Southeast Sulawesi.

"Congratulations to Brigadier General Dwi Irianto, hopefully the mandate will carry out his duties as Kapolda Sultra. And to Inspector General Teguh Pristiwanto, thank you for his service to the National Police institution so far, and have safely entered the retirement period," said Trunoyudo.