Hundreds Of Pilot Whales Rescued After Being Stranded On The Coast Of Western Australia

JAKARTA - The rescue operation of more than 100 pilot whales ended with a happy emotion, with the majority of these mammals successfully returned to the sea after being mass stranded on Thursday.

Rescue teams rushed to the beach located in the coastal town of Dunsborough, south of Perth, to care for the whale.

It was an "extraordinary sight," said Head of the Geographe Marine Research group Ian Wiese, who was involved in a rescue operation on Thursday.

"You can see how close the whales were. I've handled cases of stranded whales before, but never this big," Wise told CNN as quoted April 25.

The Department of West Australia Parks and Wildlife (DPAW) revealed that a total of 130 whales were successfully returned to the sea from about 160 stranded whales, with at least 28 whales dead.

"My early reaction saw hundreds of whales grouping on the beach were absolutely incredible. It was really very chaotic," Weise said.

"However, the final result is good news, as has often happened in these events, few can be saved," he added.

A group of local residents and wildlife officers work together to keep the animals upright and "Keep their holes clean," said Wiese.

There were also wildlife officers from DPAW, as well as experienced veterinarians, trying to save as many whales as possible.

A herd of whales can return to the beach again after being rescued. Therefore, reconnaissance planes in the area continue to monitor and see if the released animals will return to the beach.

"So far, they have remained off the coast," Weise said.

Like other whale species, pilot whales are very friendly and often take care of each other, especially if one of their group members falls ill or is injured.

"The remaining whales will play this extraordinary supporting role," explained Wise.

"When they are at sea, in deep waters, nothing can interfere with the treatment process, but if the injured whale ends up near the beach, there will be a lot of danger (for the whale herd) that comes in and will get in the way, the echo does not work properly and before you know it, you will have a family (which was stranded)," he explained.

He pointed to the "born whale cub" he saw among the stranded groups.

"It's this little baby that still has a fold on the body and its navel attached," said Wiese.

"It may or may not be a factor why these animals were stranded," he continued.

Separately, animal behaviorists and marine scientists say the survival rate of whales stranded on low beaches is because it "can only survive about six hours on land before conditions begin to worsen."

Last year, more than 50 pilot whales died in a mass stranded incident in Scotland. In the same month, wildlife officials in Western Australia said they had to make a sad decision to make euthanasia against dozens of stranded long-fin pilot whales, after rescue attempts to float them again failed to bear fruit.