50 Centimeter Flood Inundated 9 Villages In South Aceh District Due To Heavy Rain Since Yesterday

JAKARTA - As many as nine villages in three sub-districts in South Aceh Regency, Aceh Province were flooded with water levels reaching 50 centimeters. The flood occurred after the area was hit by heavy rains on Saturday, March 6 last night.

"The extreme weather caused strong winds and heavy rain accompanied by lightning in the South Aceh region", said BPBA Data and Information Control Center (Pusdatin) Officer Haslinda Juwita, quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 7.

The distribution of floods is in Gampong Baru Village, Jilarang Village, Madat Village, and Balai Desa Samadua District, South Aceh.

Also, floods hit Panton Luas Village, Sawang Mutiara Village, Sawang Meuligoe Village, Sawang District, and Lhok Bengkuang Village, Tapaktuan District, South Aceh.

Apart from submerging dozens of houses in three sub-districts in South Aceh, the accident also affected the Early Childhood Education building and a resident's house in Panton Luas Village, Sawang District, as well.

"Until Sunday night, the flood still inundated the homes", he said.

So far, officials from the South Aceh BPBD have continued to make data collection efforts to ensure the number of residents affected by the natural disaster.