Retno: Southeast Asia Cannot Be A Safe Haven For TIP Actors
JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized that Indonesia must take part in efforts to prevent Southeast Asia from becoming a'safe haven' for perpetrators of criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) who target Indonesian citizens as victims.
"It is important for us to work together and ensure that our area does not become a safe haven for TIP actors," said Retno quoting Antara.
The Foreign Minister highlighted the increasing trend of worker recruitment, including Indonesian citizens, in online gambling companies and online scams in Southeast Asia in recent years. Indonesian citizens who are trapped by the company are vulnerable to being exploited and become victims of TIP," he said.
Since 2021, he said, there have been 3,428 cases of Indonesian citizens entangled in online fraud companies, the majority of which are still centralized in the Southeast Asia region. This figure increases sharply every year, and 40 percent of them are proven to be TIP cases.
Given the increasingly sophisticated development of the transnational crime mode that has the potential to ensnare Indonesian citizens, Retno stated that efforts to protect Indonesian citizens must reach prevention aspects rather than just handling and resolving cases.," said the Foreign Minister.
In addition, he also highlighted the need for intensive coordination between ministries/agencies and stakeholders at the center and regions as well as collaboration with non-governmental organizations to protect Indonesian citizens from the entanglement of TIPs abroad.
The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday again awarded the 2023 HWPA award to 23 individuals and entities deemed meritorious in the efforts to protect Indonesian citizens abroad throughout the year.
A number of recipients of the award are known to have played a major role in handling the TIP case that befell Indonesian citizens abroad and contributing to prevention efforts through education and advocacy. One of the 2023 HWPA recipients was AKBP Ni Made Pujewati from the NTB Regional Police who contributed to completing 55 TIP reports with 94 suspects throughout 2023.