Threads Filter Offensive Words Automatically

JAKARTA Threads, a Meta microblog platform, can now filter words that have the potential to offend by default. This filter is not only applied to words, but also certain phrases and emojis.

Delivered by Instagram Head Adam Mosseri, this feature named Hidden Words will filter content automatically. This feature will prevent inappropriate words in user posts, searches, or replies.

"Today in Threads, we are expanding Hidden Words, which until now have only been applied to replies, so you can filter unwanted content from feeds, searches, profiles, and post replies in Threads," Mosseri said.

Although Hidden Words are enabled by default, users can still set the function of the feature. If you still see offensive or annoying words, you can add the word or phrase to the settings.

You only need to open Settings, then search for the Hidden Word menu and add the words you want into the Special Kata and Phrases Manage menu. In addition to adding words, you can also disable the feature through the same menu.

In addition to announcing the expanded Hidden Words feature, Mosseri also announced other features that will be coming soon. Some of the features that are currently testing Threads are the ability to disable notifications and post citations for certain categories.

"We are also testing ways to choose who can quote you and the ability to disable notifications on your posts. I hope this feature gives you greater control over your experience in Threads," Mosseri said.