Alyssa Soebandono Gives Birth Faster Than Doctor Expected, Must Be Caesar Immediately

JAKARTA - Happiness is currently covering the family of Alyssa Soebandono and Dude Harlino, who have just been blessed with a third child, a girl on Monday, April 22.

On one occasion, Dude and Alyssa alias Icha shared the moments of the birth of their daughter whose full name is Aisyah Aulia Putri Harlino or Baby Lia.

Dude said that his wife gave birth earlier than expected by doctors who should have fallen behind May 1. However, because Icha complained of pain in her lower abdomen, it was finally decided to be born on April 22 by caesarean

"So actually Icha's HPL was on May 1, but there are several things that require caesarean action to be taken on April 22," said Dude Harlino at Brawijaya Saharjo Hospital, South Jakarta, Thursday, April 25.

Previously, Icha and Dude came to the hospital on April 21 and immediately took CTG action to check the condition of the fetal heart.

After being examined finally, Dr. dr. Chamik, SpOG who handled Icha suggested that she undergo a caesarean delivery process the next morning.

"We, Icha and I came to this hospital on April 21 afternoon for a fetal CTG to check the fetal's heart, from that result then reported to prof," Dude said.

"And direct prof recommends to immediately take action on the 22nd of 6 am because the result, according to prof, must be done as soon as possible. So the caesarean will be carried out on April 22, 2024," he concluded.