Baby Reindeer Popular Series, Creators Hope The Public Don't Look For Real Identity
JAKARTA - Netflix's latest series, Baby Reindeer is a hit and has received a positive response. The series created by comedian Richard Gadd was released on April 11.
Baby Reindeer tells the story of Donny (Richard Gadd) who is followed by a woman (Jessica Gunning) who leads to sexual violence and mental health. Donny initially felt guilty for not giving free drinks when the woman visited the bar where he worked.
But starting from the drink, Donny began to be followed by the woman and made Donny start to experience mental health. This story is Gadd's personal experience who is also the creator and main character.
Not a month has been released, Baby Reindeer has gone viral and is at the top of Netflix. However, social media began to be enlivened by the search for the original Gadd stalking.
Richard Gadd insists he changed the name of the actor and specific information to protect the identity involved. His stalking character in the series was made into Martha and he believes the original stalking person is not aware of himself.
The search for Gadd's stalking figure continues until Gadd finds out about the effort. Gadd regretted that the people around him began to be affected by the search.
"Hello everyone, my loved ones, cooperation, and I admire being caught up in speculation," wrote Richard Gadd.
"Please don't speculate about anyone in the real world. That's not a point from our series. Full of love, Richard," he concluded.
Richard Gadd tries to change his identity and appearance so that no one knows his identity or stature.
Stalk and harassment is a form of mental illness. It would incorrectly describe it as a monster, because he is not healthy, and the system thwarted it," Gadd said in an interview.