PTPP Reorganizes The Board Of Commissioners And Directors

JAKARTA - The Ministry of SOEs through the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) has reshuffled the board of commissioners and directors.

"In the GMS there was a change in the board of commissioners and directors. At least six agenda items were discussed in the AGMS, one of which was a change in the composition of the management," said PTPP President Director Novel Arsyad after the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders at the PT PP Jakarta Office, Wednesday 24 April.

Novel said shareholders had named Pundjung Setya Brata as the new company's Independent Commissioner, replacing Loso Judijanto.

From the board of directors, the AGMS honorably dismissed Sinurlinda Gustina, who served as Director of Corporate Strategy and Human Capital Management and Eddy Herman Harun as Director of Operations for EPC.

Furthermore, his position was replaced by I Gede Upeksa Negara as Director of Corporate and Human Capital Management, as well as establishing Tommy Wiranata Anwar as Director of Risk Management and Legal.

Thus, the composition of the new commissioners after the AGMS is:

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner: Dhony RahajoeCommissioner: Ernadhi SudarmantoCommissioner: Hedy Rahadian Independent Commissioner: Jaya KesumaIndependent Commissioner: IstionoIndependent Commissioner: Pundjung Setya Brata

Board of Directors

President Director: Novel Arsyad Finance Director: Agus Purbianto Director of Operations for Building: Yuyus Juarsa Operations Director for Infrastructure: Yul Ari Pramuraharjo Director of Risk and Legal Management: Tommy Wiranata Anwar Director of Corporate Strategy and HCM: I Gede Upeksa Negara.