Ghufron Allegedly Misuses Authority In Ministry Of Agriculture, KPK Council Will Hold Ethics Trial
JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will hold an ethics trial related to allegations of abuse of authority by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, next month. He is suspected of abusing his authority at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan)."The trial starts on May 2," said KPK Supervisory Board member Albertina Ho when confirmed by reporters, Wednesday, April 24.Meanwhile, Alexander Marwata, who was also reported some time ago, will not be tried. “ Which was tried by Mr. NG,” said Albertina.The ethical violations allegedly committed by Ghufron were related to employees at the Ministry of Agriculture. He abused his position to deal with the mutation of an employee there."At this time, Mr. NG himself has an ethical case that is being handled by the Council regarding the alleged abuse of influence as a KPK member in the mutation of an employee of the Ministry of Agriculture with the initials ADM," said KPK Council Member Syamsuddin Haris on a separate occasion.
As previously reported, Nurul Ghufron has reported a member of the supervisory board to the KPK Supervisory Board. He suspects there is abuse of authority."I, as a member of the KPK, have an obligation as stipulated in Article 4 paragraph (2) letter b of Perdewas No. 3 of 2021 states: in implementing the basic values of integrity, every member of the Commission must report if they know of any alleged ethical violations committed by the Commission Personnel," said Nurul Ghufron to reporters in a written statement, Wednesday, April 24.Ghufron said the alleged abuse of authority reported was in the form of a request for the results of the analysis of financial transactions of anti-corruption commission employees. He said the KPK Council was not authorized because it was not law enforcement officials.