Market Request Declines, Analyst: Apple Cuts Vision Pro Sales Target

JAKARTA Apple has reportedly limited delivery of the Vision Prodan targeting a new number of shipments this year. This target is down to double the initial market deal made by Apple. According to a report by Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, quoted from 9to5mac, Apple is targeting Vision Pro shipments of around 400 thousand to 450 thousand units for this year. In fact, the initial sales target for spatial computers ranged from 800 thousand to 7 million units. This drastic change in sales targets forced Apple to revisit their strategy. The company was forced to take an unfriendly approach in the international market, namely cutting sales targets before being marketed. Previously, Apple was reported to be releasing Vision Pro outside the US before the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) event was held. However, reflecting on the small demand for Vision Pro in the US, Apple's expectations of non-US markets became very low.

Selain mengubah target penjualan sebelum melakukan ekspansi pasar, Apple juga mengubah strategi bisnis dari teknologi komputer spasial tersebut. Bahkan, strategi ini memengaruhi peluncuran Vision Pro generasi kedua.Apple diperkirakan akan meluncurkan model kedua dari Vision Pro pada tahun 2025. Namun, peluncuran ini mengalami penundaan karena Apple sedang fokus pada target penjualan. Perusahaan itu juga memperkirakan penjualan Vision Pro akan menurun di tahun 2025.Laporan mengenai penurunan jumlah target ini masih belum pasti, bahkan bisa jadi salah. Pasalnya,Financial Timesmelaporkan pada Juli tahun lalu bahwa target penjualan Apple di tahun ini sebesar 400 ribu unit. Target ini mungkin tidak mengalami perubahan sejak awal.