Fact! Male In South Jakarta Is The Most Royal In Indonesia For Shopping Affairs

JAKARTA - The expenditure of men in the South Jakarta area throughout 2020 was the highest in Indonesia, with a record of IDR 27.3 million per year for each person.

The data was reported by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) on Friday, March 5 yesterday. According to the report, this per capita expenditure is adjusted according to sex per region.

The Suhariyanto-led institution also revealed that this figure had decreased compared to the 2019 period of Rp.27.6 million. Allegedly, the pandemic factor is the cause of the decline in annual expenditure figures.

The second place is occupied by Batam City with IDR 26.4 million, down from the 2019 position of IDR 26.5 million.

Furthermore, there is the city of North Jakarta with IDR 26.0 million per year per capita which is also lower than 2019 with a record of IDR 26.3 million.

Meanwhile, the lowest per capita male expenditure per year in 2020 occurred in Nduga Regency, Papua with IDR 3.4 million. Followed by Rp.4.5 million for Lanny Jaya and Rp.4.6 million for Central Mamberamo, both of which are located in Papua.

Meanwhile, based on gender, the highest expenditure for women also occurred in South Jakarta with a record of Rp. 23.0 million in 2020 and Rp. 23.2 million in 2019. Furthermore, West Jakarta Rp. 19.3 million and North Jakarta Rp. 18.0 million.

Consumption collapsed

At a press conference last February, Head of BPS Suhariyanto said 89.4 percent of 2020 GDP would come from household consumption and investment.

It is said that household consumption expenditure contracted by minus 2.63 percent. This is evident from the negative growth in retail sales, imports of consumer goods, and sales of motorcycles, which indicate the purchasing power of the community is low.

As a result, economic growth contracted considerably over the past year, reaching minus 2.07 percent year-on-year. This was the deepest incision since the 1998 monetary crisis.