PIS Successfully Presses Emissions 25.4 Thousand Tons Equivalent To CO2

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) shows its commitment to encourage decarbonization in the maritime industry sector as well as a form of PIS' love to preserve the earth for future generations.

PIS Muh's Corporate Secretary. Aryomekka Firdaus explained, PIS continues to increase its decarbonization efforts in carrying out business operations and other supporting activities.

"This effort has proven successful, where PIS decarbonization data continues to show significant progress every year," said Aryomekka, Tuesday, April 23.

In 2023, PIS successfully recorded a decrease in the carbon emission rate of 25,445 tons equivalent to CO2 (CO2e). This figure even exceeds up to 54 percent of the PIS emission reduction target, which is in the range of 11,659 tons equivalent to CO2.

"The carbon emissions in 2023 have also been significantly reduced when compared to the realization in 2022 which is at 6,866 tons equivalent to CO2, or an increase of up to 270 percent," added Aryomekka.

This success, said Aryo, was carried out by carrying out 9 main steps divided into 3 categories, namely, efforts to reduce CO2 emissions with Greenhouse Gases (GHG) or preventing greenhouse effects, Non Greenhouse Gases for non-carbon emissions, and emission suppression through ecosystem conservation or Nature and Ecosystem Based Solutions (NEBS).

Efforts are made to prevent greenhouse effects or GHG, among others; the use of biofuels for PIS ships where 50 ships operated have utilized Bio Fuel, the operation of fuel-tech ships such as the more environmentally friendly Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC), installation of energy saving devices on ships, installation of solar panels, operational efficiency, as well as other suitable efforts and meeting the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) certification.

Meanwhile, for Non GHG's efforts, among others, the installation of a ballistic water treatment system in more than 70 percent of PIS ships to prevent the transfer and delivery of invasive aquatic species to destination waters, as well as the installation of a scrub to filter out the exhaust gas.

"Other environmentally loving actions, namely PIS, have also planted 6,523 mangrove trees, not only in operational areas and PIS terminals, but also other areas as part of Berse Anergi Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) for the Sea," he concluded.