Emoji And Stickers On Telegram Will Be Present In The Form Of NFT

JAKARTA - Telegram, a popular instant messaging platform, has announced its important step towards a new era of digital communication. Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram's visionary, has revealed ambitious plans to turn the stickers and emojis we use every day into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the blockchain The Open Network (TONs).

This initiative not only marks evolution in the way we interact online but also opens a new chapter in the integration of blockchain technology into everyday life. The announcement made at the prestigious Token2049 event in Dubai highlights how NFT is no longer just about art and collectibles, but about creating added value in our social interactions.

With more than 700 billion stickers shared monthly on Telegram, the potential for this tokenization seems unlimited. Durov stressed that stickers and emojis that become NFTs will have the capability to be viewed tens of billions of times and have great potential to spread virally, making them highly valuable digital assets.

The move follows the success of username tokenization and anonymous number on Telegram, where users can claim up to 95% of sales revenue. With a new focus on stickers and emojis, Telegram hopes to further strengthen blockchain TON integration into its app ecosystem, which has attracted attention with the integration of the USDT and XAUT Tether, which is now available on TON.

This development opens up new opportunities for peer-to-peer payments and decentralized applications on the TON blockchain, potentially providing benefits to Telegram's wide user base, reaching over 900 million people worldwide. Durov claims that blockchain toNS are very scalable, capable of handling millions, even hundreds of millions, of transactions, making them suitable for Telegram's target scale.

With sticker tokenizations and emojis, Telegram is not only expanding its blockchain capabilities but is also a pioneer in the new form of NFT which can be an important part of online communications. This marks a significant step for Telegram to lead innovation in the crypto space, by leveraging the power of existing digital communities and culture.

To provide a more in-depth context, based on sources from foreign crypto media, the value of TONS has seen a sharp rise to $7.20 following this announcement. This shows market confidence in Telegram's vision and potential blockchain TONS.