PT Pupuk Indonesia Reminds Farmers: Subsidized Fertilizers Can Only Be Boiled In Official Kiosks

JAKARTA- PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) confirms that subsidized fertilizers can only be redeemed in official fertilizer kiosks (KPL) in their respective regions, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022. This was conveyed by GM Region 2 Pupuk Indonesia, Roh Eddy Andri Wismono, at a press conference in Jakarta on Saturday, April 20.

Subsidized fertilizer cannot be redeemed by farmers who are not registered in the Definitive Group Needs Plan (RDKK).

Subsidized fertilizers can only be redeemed in official kiosks that have been determined to serve local farmer groups and redeem farmers have complied with the criteria regulated by Permentan Number 10 of 2022," said GM Region 2 Pupuk Indonesia Roh Eddy Andri Wismono in Jakarta, Saturday.

He added that farmers who receive fertilizer subsidy allocations are regulated in the Minister of Agriculture Regulation (Permentan) Number 10 of 2022 concerning Procedures for Determination of Allocation and Highest Retail Price of Subsidized Fertilizers in the Agriculture sector.

In the regulation, farmers who are entitled to allocation of fertilizer subsidies are farmers who are members of farmer groups, registered in the Agricultural Extension Management Information System (Simlutan), work on a maximum land of two hectares, and use farmer cards (for certain areas).

In addition, registered farmers are sure to work on the nine commodities that have been determined, namely rice, corn, soybeans, shallots, garlic, chilies, coffee, people's sugar cane and cocoa. "In other words, farmers who work outside these commodities are no longer entitled to subsidized fertilizer allocations," he explained.

South Sulawesi Allocation

For farmers in South Sulawesi (Sulsel), Eddy said the government had set a fertilizer subsidy allocation of 417,637 tons in 2024 which was intended for 24 districts/cities.

Pupuk Indonesia provides subsidized fertilizer stocks of 136,282 tons as of April 19, 2024 for the South Sulawesi region consisting of 84,142 tons of urea and 52,140 tons of NPK.

Meanwhile, in terms of realization, Pupuk Indonesia has succeeded in distributing subsidized fertilizers of 133,738 tons in South Sulawesi with details of 80,653 tons and NPK of 53,085 tons. This figure is equivalent to 32 percent of the total allocation in 2024.

Eddy reminded that registered farmers who want to redeem subsidized fertilizers, can be done online through the i-Pubers application (subsidized fertilizer integration) at every official kiosk.

Starting February 1, 2024, the implementation of i-Pubers has reached 100 percent nationally and is available at more than 27,000 kiosks throughout Indonesia.