PGE Expands The Utilization Of Breakthrough Technology To Improve Geothermal Efficiency

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk (PGE) continues to expand the use of innovative breakthrough technology to improve the company's operational efficiency.

PGE has successfully installed Flow2Max with success, measuring the flow of two-fase fluid or two-phase flow meters in five production wells in the Lahendong Area, North Sulawesi, after previously going through a prototype and testing.

Found by PGE's Manager of Production and Operational Excellence, Mohamad Husni Mubarok PhD (Husni), this technology is the first in the world to allow monitoring of the fluid flow of two geothermal phases more reliable, easy, real-time, accurate, flexible, and reliable compared to existing technology.

His ability to measure fluid flows in real-time allows PGE to evaluate performance and predict production well productivity. Installation of Flow2Max helps PGE in managing and optimizing geothermal reservoirs in a field, including early detection of technical problems in wells. With the successful installation of Flow2Max in these five wells, PGE will soon expand its use to other geothermal wells so that operational efficiency is expected to continue to increase.

PGE continues to move in developing various innovations and technologies to improve operational reliability and efficiency. This is one proof of PGE's commitment to advancing the geothermal industry in Indonesia. We also want to invite all parties to jointly support the development of geothermal energy as a source of clean energy in Indonesia, in order to realize a more sustainable future," said PGE President Director, Julfi Hadi, Saturday, April 20.

In addition, he continued, PGE has also officially used a portable test test for geothermal well production, Geoflowtest, in various hot fields produced by PGE geothermal.

Geoflowtest was also discovered and initiated by Husni and the PGE team which were then carried out together with PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU). Geoflowtest can produce real-time data more accurately for testing well production capacity, which was previously carried out manually which is more at risk for safety and prone to test errors.

The use of this portable device can increase efficiency in testing so that the evaluation and monitoring of production well capacity can be carried out comprehensively.

Meanwhile, in optimizing the use of renewable energy, PGE is developing a screen expander technology with PT Kaishan Orka Indonesia.

This tool can extract additional energy from geothermal fluids that have low pressure, thereby increasing the overall efficiency of geothermal power plants.

"That way, it is hoped that the electricity capacity generated from geothermal plants can increase so that it contributes to reducing the use of fossil fuels that can cause greenhouse gas emissions," continued Julfi.

Julfi also explained that the development of technology and innovation was also based on PGE's belief that geothermal energy has great potential to become a reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly source of energy.

"By continuing to work with various parties, including officers, the private sector, and the government, PGE is optimistic that it can realize its vision to become a world-class geothermal energy company or the World Class Green Energy Company that contributes to more sustainable development," concluded Julfi.