Deputy Chairperson Of The MPR RI Calls For Real Steps To Handle Child Pornography Cases

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Lestari Moerdijat said efforts to handle and mitigate child pornography cases must be thoroughly through the formation of a task force involving ministries and institutions that are able to accelerate the protection of every citizen from the impact of pornography in the country. "The discovery of this rampant child pornography case must be handled immediately with massive and measurable steps so as to be able to create a comprehensive protection system for the next generation of the nation," said Rerie, Lestari's nickname, in a written statement received by ANTARA in Jakarta, Saturday. Based on the records of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), more than 5,000,000 content findings related to Indonesian child pornography. The data, said Rerie, reveals that the number of child pornography cases in Indonesia is ranked fourth in the world and second highest in Southeast Asia or ASEAN countries. According to her, the government's efforts to handle child pornography cases ranging from the stage of prevention, handling, law enforcement, to post-events must get the support of all parties. Rerie also argues that the involvement of a number of ministries and institutions in handling child pornography cases demands good cross-sectoral synergy.

The legislator from the Central Java II electoral district hopes that the high commitment of stakeholders at the central and regional levels in handling cases of child pornography in the country can be realized. The future of this nation, he said, is very dependent on the quality of children or human resources (HR) which will be the next generation in the future. He really hopes that the process of growth and development of the nation's children to become a competitive next generation can run according to expectations. Put forward various efforts consistently to improve the quality of national human resources, continued Rerie, must be a common understanding for the sustainability of the nation and state that upholds the values of the nation's predecessor heritage, as well as in the context of realizing a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila.