US Veto Condemns Palestine, Chairman Of The DPR BKSAP Fadli Zon Reminds His Consequences

JAKARTA - On Thursday, April 18, in the afternoon New York time, the United States (US) again vetoed a draft United Nations Security Council (DK PBB) resolution regarding Palestinian efforts to become a full member of the United Nations.

The draft proposed by Algeria is supported by 12 of the total 15 UN DK member countries. Meanwhile, the two UN DK members, namely Britain and Switzerland, chose abstain and the United States refused with veto.

Responding to this, the chairman of the House of Representatives' Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP), Fadli Zon, strongly criticized the US move. "It is unfortunate that the US veto over the draft resolution. This Veto shows a dual and anti-peace standard attitude. It is increasingly important that there is reform of world order institutions. So there must be consequences for the US action," Fadli reminded.

The first consequence, said Fadli, is related to the stronger demands of urgency and emergencies in carrying out UN DK reforms so that they are more democratic, fair, representative, and effective in fulfilling their functions to maintain international security and peace as stated in the UN Charter Article 24.

The veto mechanism has often hampered the enforcement of international security and peace in various conflicts in the world, especially when the conflict intersects directly with the interests of veto-holding countries. The veto mechanism has factually taken the world's security and peace enforcement hostage. The most valid proof of this fact is the protracted Palestinian-Israeli conflict that has been going on for nearly 80 years since 1947, including the failure to stop the Israeli genocide that killed more than 34 thousand Palestinians in the Gaza Strip with more than 70 percent being children and women, "said the former deputy chairman of the House of Representatives.

Another consequence, added Fadli, was that veto further emphasized the US's indiscriminate support for Israel, including when Israel committed genocide against the Palestinian people.

"For example, an intelligence data provided to the US Congress states that Israel has dropped more than 22.000 US bombs in Gaza in the first half month of war since October 7, 2023," he said.

The Gerindra politician admits that US sided with Israel has become a very general secret because of the Jewish Zionist lobbies that are very thick with domestic politics.

The US is not worthy of mediating in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict because after all the US will always side with Israel. But I remind the US's absolute alignment with Israel in the long term will be very detrimental to the US people as a whole. The US will be increasingly isolated and the US will be considered a supporting country for war crimes and human rights violators. In addition, the US stance will further intensify geopolitical conflicts involving Russia and China," he said.

Regarding the US-sided attitude, the legislator of Commission I of the DPR called on the global community, including Indonesia, to continue to pressure the US to be neutral and more objective in addressing the Palestinian-Israeli conflict problem.

On the other hand, the politician who is also Vice President of the League of Parliamentarians for Al Quds, Istanbul-based pro-Palestinian global organization, warned that the US veto will further ignite various unilateral actions, especially those carried out by Palestinian resistance fighters.

"We cannot ignore that Hamas' actions on October 7 were triggered, among other things, by the absence of global justice in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Instead of bringing security and global peace, the veto mechanism actually triggers chaos and war or more in-depth violence," he continued.

Another thing, said the Minang-blooded politician, the US veto last proved that the majority of the global community wanted Palestinian recognition as a complete and fully recognized country by the United Nations.

The recognition of the existence of Palestine as a country is almost a world consensus. Even some of the UN DK Member countries that often favor Israel such as Britain and France have begun to soften and realize the importance of recognition of the Palestinian state," he concluded.