The National Police Calls There Is A Connection Between The Central Sulawesi JI Terrorist And The Syam Organizer Foundation

The National Police said that a number of suspects in Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) who were arrested in the Central Sulawesi 9SultengO area had links to the Syam Organizer or SO group.

Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, said the connection was in terms of collecting funds.

"The role of one of them (suspects) is the treasurer, right. So there is indeed a connection with collecting funds with the terror network that was previously arrested, namely the initials SO (Syam Organizer)," said Trunoyudo.

However, it was not conveyed further and detailed the connection between the suspect and the Syam Organizer. The reason is that the National Police's Densus 88 Anti-terror investigators are still investigating this matter.

"We need to convey that this issue is still being handled by Densus 88, it is still in the deepening process," said Trunoyudo.

Syam Organizer is a charitable foundation belonging to the Jamaah Islamiyah group. The foundation is managed to raise financing funds for terrorist activities.

The form of fundraising carried out by Syam Organizer by spreading cans or charity boxes to the community. Then, wrapped in social actions.

However, the facts found were that there was a flow from the Syam Organizer to the Jamaah Islamiyah group from 2013 to 2017. The funds were used to dispatch terrorist suspects to Syria.

Meanwhile, the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 was supposed to arrest 7 terrorists in Palu, Sigi, and Poso cities, on April 16.

Two days later, Densus again arrested one other member of the JI group. Thus, the total number of people who have been arrested has increased to 8 people.

The terrorist suspects who have been arrested have the initials G, BS, SK, A, MWDS, DK, H, and RF.

Based on the results of the interim examination, they have different roles, ranging from doctrine to financial managership.

"The suspects are members of the JI group who structurally serve in various fields such as doctrine or da'wah, financial treasurer, recruitment, and educational institutions," said Trunoyudo.