Natuna Riau Sets Drought Emergency Alert Until April 26

RIAU - Natuna Regency in the Riau Islands (Kepri) set a drought emergency alert for eight days, starting April 19-26, 2024. "Yes, yesterday after the meeting, it was continued with a meeting to determine the status of the emergency and agreed to be an emergency alert, for the SK to be processed," said the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Natuna Raja Darmika Regency when contacted, Friday, April 19, was confiscated by Antara. He explained that drought occurred due to the low intensity of rain in the region. As a result, Natuna Regency, especially on Pulau Bunguran Besar, experienced a clean water crisis. "Regarding drought, we also appealed to the public to save more water use and start making alternative water sources around settlements, for example by providing waterbags," he said. He explained, the drought that hit Natuna has the potential to cause the fire because the plant is becoming more flammable. Therefore, he appealed to the public not to take actions that have the potential to cause fires. "Let us take care of each other, we urge the community not to open the land by burning, throwing cigarette butts in its place, turning off the fire or source of fire while traveling," he said.

Kepala Stasiun Meteorologi Ranai Feriomex Hutagalung mengatakan hari tanpa hujan di Natuna pada Maret cukup tinggi dan kondisi demikian juga terjadi pada bulan April 2024."Rata-rata hari tanpa hujan dalam satu bulan (Maret) itu sebanyak 20 hari, bahkan ada yang mencapai 29 hari, yakni di Pulau Laut (Kecamatan)," ucap dia.Kondisi demikian diperkirakan akan berlanjut hingga seminggu ke depan."Secara umum kondisi cuaca masih dalam kondisi cerah dan cerah berawan pada pagi hingga siang hari," ujar dia.