Follow Prabowo's Directions, Volunteers Cancel Action At The Constitutional Court This Afternoon

JAKARTA - Deputy Commander for Volunteers for TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Immanuel Ebenezer or Noel, ensures that Prabowo-Gibran volunteers, supporters and voters cancel holding an action in front of the Constitutional Court (MK). This is in accordance with the direction of the elected President, Prabowo Subianto, so that supporters prioritize national unity. "Follow Prabowo's direction that today we cancel the action at the Constitutional Court building," Noel told reporters, Friday, April 19. Noel conveyed that his party entrusted all decisions related to the Dispute over the General Election Results (PHPU) to the Constitutional Court. "That's right, we just trust the decision to the Court," he said.
The chairman of Prabowo Mania hopes that the Constitutional Court can make decisions objectively. He also believes that the Constitutional Court will follow the decisions of the people who want Prabowo-Gibran to lead Indonesia.
"The hope is that the Court can make decisions based on an objective sense of justice that the KPU's decision is a decision that the people want, namely Prabowo is mandated as the elected president with a victory of 58.6 percent and our belief that the judges in the Court will continue to follow the decisions of the people who have chosen Prabowo," he explained.
Noel also commented on those who always said there was fraud. According to him, the party is actually accusing the people of cheating.
"Those who always promote fraud and others are actually accusing the people themselves of cheating, not Prabowo-Gibran," he concluded. Previously, President-elect for the 2024-2029 period, Prabowo Subianto appealed to voters, supporters or Prabowo-Gibran volunteers not to take mass action at the Constitutional Court (MK) building. Prabowo appealed to all to prioritize the integrity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.
"I Prabowo Subianto sincerely ask the people of Indonesia, especially the 96.2 million Indonesian people who have chosen the Prabowo-Gibran pair, not to take any action in front of the Constitutional Court building or in other places in order to maintain the coolness of democracy, maintain the unity and integrity of the nation," Prabowo said in his statement, Friday, April 19. Originally, the volunteers, voters and supporters of Prabowo-Gibran would hold a peaceful demonstration in front of the Constitutional Court building today starting at 14.00 WIB. This peaceful action was held in response to various accusations of humiliation, harassment, which was addressed to voters of the Prabowo-Gibran pair as if 96.2 million people had exercised their voting rights to choose pair number 2 because they were bribed with social assistance (bansos).
Prabowo said he understood the accusations made by other parties. However, he appealed to all his supporters to remain cool and peaceful.
"We understand that Prabowo-Gibran supporters are really very disturbed and have quite a touching reaction, but we ask the supporters of the Prabowo-Gibran pair who have used their voting rights to always be vigilant and always careful and not provoked, especially those who cause an uncool and unpeaceful atmosphere," said the chairman of the Gerindra Party.