Handling Allegations Of Corruption In The Mambalan Village Fund In West Lombok, Gunungsari Police Coordination Of The Mataram Police
NTB - Gunungsari Sector Police (Polsek) in West Lombok Regency are investigating a case of alleged corruption in the Mambalan Village Fund for the 2017 fiscal year.
The head of the Gunungsari Police, Iptu I Putu Gede Merta Yasa, confirmed that the handling of the alleged irregularities in village funds was carried out by his party.
"Yes, that's right. Only this is still clarifying the parties and checking other evidence of equipment. So, we can't provide much information yet," said Yasa, who was contacted by telephone, Thursday, April 18, as quoted by Antara.
To determine the direction of handling, his party is also working through coordination with the Mataram Police, considering that this case has something to do with state money.
"That's it, we can't tell where it is handled. We are still coordinating with the Mataram Police," he said.
The confirmed village head of Mambalan Sayid Abdollah Alkaff confirmed that his party supports the police in revealing the truth of the alleged irregularities in village funds.
As a form of support for the handling of the case, Abdollah stated that a number of Mambalan Village Government officials had complied with the invitation to clarify from the police.
"There are already four Mambalan Village employees who are aware of this issue providing information to the police. In essence, we fully leave this issue to law enforcement officials," said Abdollah.
He also said that the West Lombok Inspectorate had asked for information regarding the alleged embezzlement of Mambalan Village funds for the 2017 fiscal year.
As the village head of Mambalan who has held his position since 2021, Abdollah admits that he found a budget problem in 2017 during the previous official period, namely Lalu Ahmad Yudni.
"The problem is recorded in the OMSPAN application (Online Monitoring of the State Budget Treasury System). That's the 2017 budget data," he said.
Abdollah said that his party had clarified this matter to Lalu Ahmad Yudni and produced an agreement.
Dalam kesepakatan, Lalu Ahmad Yudni membuat surat pernyataan kepada Desa Madbalan dengan bersedia memulihkan anggaran yang telah diakui digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi senilai Rp67,9 juta.
"In the statement letter, Then Ahmad Yudni is willing to return the funds in installments until the deadline of December 31, 2021," he said.
However, until now the former Head of Mambalan Village has not shown any good faith in fulfilling the promise according to the statement of the partnership.
Therefore, Abdollah as the Head of Mambalan Village handed over the resolution of this issue to the police.
"As the village head, I support the efforts of the police so that the problem can be resolved immediately," said Abdollah.
Then Ahmad Yudni, who is the Head of Mambalan Village for the 2015-2017 period, was revealed to have served a prison sentence related to illegal levies (extortion) cases continuously in issuing land certificates through the Agrarian National Operations Project (Prona) program.