5 Prospects Of Geological Engineering Work For Women, Don't Have To Be Hot!

YOGYAKARTA Geological techniques are fields of study that study and research the earth and its composition, structures, physical properties, history, and the process of its formation.

Geological techniques used to be majors that were identical to men, because they had tough tasks and often went to the field. However, over time, there are currently many women who are involved in this field of study.

So, what are the prospects for the work of geological engineering for women? Let's look at the full information below.

Summarized from various sources, Thursday, April 18, 2024, the following are some prospects for the work of geological engineering for women:

1. Career at an oil company

Graduates of geological engineering can have a career in oil companies, either belonging to the government (BUMN) or the private sector.

Just so you know, joining a munyak company doesn't mean you have to go to the field. You can get a job to process data or examine samples in the laboratory.

The salaries offered by oil companies are usually quite large, so they can help meet the needs of the family.

2. Work in a rock laboratory

The prospect of geological engineering work for the next woman is working in a rock laboratory. This work makes you do not need to go into the field directly. As a laboratory, you will be assigned to identify existing rock specimens.

You just need to make observations and check whether the rocks are genuine or not. For example, gem rock or other haga rocks.

3. Become a lecturer

Furthermore, graduate of geological engineering can also have a career as a lecturer at a university or university.

By becoming a dose, you can help educate the nation's children, have the opportunity to study undergraduate and doctoral degrees, and get a large salary when accepted on well-known campuses.

In addition, lecturers are also a noble job. People around the world are aware of the great role of a lecturer in supporting the development of all aspects of life. Their work helps others who are not known even to grow and develop.

4. Become a researcher at LIPI

Graduates of geological engineering also have the opportunity to have a career as researchers at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).

The prospect of geological engineering work for this one woman is very interesting. You will be a researcher and are required to jump into the field while taking samples.

Even if you have to go into the field, the work you do is not too heavy. After taking samples, you will spend time in laboratoium researching these samples.

5. Career at the Ministry

Women who are declared to have graduated from the geological engineering department can also work as state civil servants (ASN) at the center. Related to this, you can enter the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Here, you can analyze the impact of Development on the environment and other work.

Working as a civil servant at the Ministry can help you get collateral in a good old age, because you will get pension funds.

That's information about the prospects for the work of geological engineering for women. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.