70 Years Of Grandfather Of Flood Loss In Palembang, Basarnas Conducts Search

PALEMBANG - A 70-year-old grandfather drowned due to flash floods in North Musi Rawas Regency, Palembang.

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) conducted a search for the residents of Lubuk Kumbung Village, Karang Jaya District.

"We deployed personnel to search for a resident who drowned due to flash floods in North Musi Rawas," said Head of the Palembang Basarnas Raymond Constant after being confirmed, Wednesday, April 17, was confiscated by Antara. He said that his party received a report from the North Musi Rawas BPBD and immediately ordered a Rescue Team in the Lubuk Linggau SAR alert unit to leave for the location. Until now, the joint SAR Team is still carrying out evacuation efforts against residents affected by floods by using rubber boats to safer places and searching for one resident who has been reported missing. There have been about 100 people who have been evacuated. In the evacuation process, there are several things that are prioritized ranging from infants, children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Kepala Bidang Penanganan Darurat BPBD Provinsi Sumsel Sudirman menuturkan, banjir bandang di Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara terjadi karena hujan dengan intensitas tinggi yang terjadi di wilayah kabupaten itu pada Selasa 16 April 2024, sehingga menyebabkan debit air Sungai Rupit dan Sungai Rawas meluap dan menggenangi pemukiman warga.Akibat banjir bandang tersebut, lanjutnya, enam jembatan gantung putus, 49 rumah rusak berat, dan 2.839 rumah terendam banjir serta menutup akses jalan dengan ketinggian air mencapai 80 cm – satu meter.Banjir tersebut merendam Kecamatan Karang Jaya meliputi Desa Suka Menang, Desa Tanjung Agung, Muara Batang Empu, dan Desa Terusan. Kemudian Kecamatan Rawas Ulu meliputi Desa Jangkat dan Desa Pangkalan.