Getting To Know HSG Examination Techniques: Definition, Indication, And Procedures

YOGYAKARTA HSG examination technique is an examination method that can help doctors to see the condition of the uterus and the surrounding area.

HSG itself is an acronym of histerosalpingography. HSG examinations are usually aimed at women who have recurring fertility or miscarriage problems.

The following article will discuss in more detail the HSG examination technique. Come on, see the explanation!

The HSG examination technique is an examination method to see the condition of the uterus and egg tract (tupba falopi) using Rontgen (ray-X) rays.

Quoted from AI-Care, HSG's examination technique is carried out by injecting the liquid into the uterus, then the doctor will conduct an X-ray examination. This test will show whether the liquid comes out of the uterus and comes out of the tuba (oviduk) channel.

HSG examination is useful for evaluating the shape of the uterus and checking whether the tuba channel is open, and is usually also used to investigate miscarriage due to problems in the uterus.

HSG examination techniques can be carried out by women who are undergoing a pregnancy program. In addition, histerosalpingography procedures are also recommended in women with the following conditions:

To prevent pain during the HSG examination, the doctor will give pain relievers (pain killer) to patients 1 hour before the procedure is carried out.

In addition, patients will also be given sedatives, especially if they feel nervous before undergoing this procedure.

To prevent infection, doctors can provide antibiotic drugs before or after HSG

If the patient wears jewelry or other metal accessories, the doctor will ask the patient to remove the object so that it does not support the performance of the scanner.

Next, hystersalpingographic procedures can be carried out at the nearest clinic or hospital. This procedure is carried out by radiologists and generally lasts for 15-30 minutes.

The stages of HSG examination include:

That's information about HSG examination techniques. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.