Social Distancing COVID-19 Made And Violated By The Government

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appealed to the public to implement social distancing or maintain distance between individuals to prevent the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19. However, this appeal was actually violated by the Minister of Health himself, Terawan Agus Putranto.

In a press conference, before the eyes of the cameras and the public in the country, Terawan was seen shaking hands with a COVID-19 patient who had just been declared cured. It is nothing. In this condition, many parties --even Terawan himself - appealed to reduce physical touch.

Moreover, several cases show that people who recover from COVID-19 still have the potential to be infected again. Therefore, it is important to protect everyone who is recovering from COVID-19 from infection.

In Indonesia, the number of positive patients with COVID-19 continues to grow. As of March 16, the number of cases had increased by 17, bringing the total now to 134. Meanwhile, there were five people who died, fewer of them who recovered with eight people.

Regarding this condition, Jokowi mentioned social distancing as an important effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. "Most importantly, social distancing, how to maintain distance," Jokowi said in his press conference at the Bogor Palace, March 15.

Violated by Terawan

Jokowi's appeal was ignored by his own minister, Terawan. Yesterday, in his press conference, he was seen shaking hands with COVID-19 patients with case numbers 1, 2 and 3 who had just recovered. In addition, he also took the initiative to provide herbal medicine to them.

"For that reason, I came here to bring souvenirs, gifts from the President to provide supplies for patients 1, 2, 3 who are already healthy ... In the form of herbs," said Terawan.

In the procession, Terawan was seen holding a silver drinking bottle filled with herbal medicine to be given to former COVID-19 patients. When he gave the bottle, there was no distance between Terawan and the three former patients.

"For that I will give two (bottles) for the three of you, because (you are) one house," said Terawan.

What Terawan has done clearly does not reflect an appeal from the government itself regarding social distancing. In fact, this is contained in Circular Number 202/2020 concerning Self-Isolation Protocol in Handling Covid-19 at the Ministry of Health.

The protocol explains how to prevent COVID-19. Apart from washing our hands and covering our mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing, we are advised to maintain a social distance of at least one meter with other people.

"Especially with those who cough, sneeze and have a fever," it reads.

In addition, Terawan also encountered COVID-19 patients who had recently recovered. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, those who have just recovered can still be infected with COVID-19 again.

This was explained by the Director General himself, Tedros Adhanom. Quoting WHO's official Twitter account, Adhanom said: People infected with COVID-19 can still be reinfected after they stop feeling sick. So, checking (the patient is cured) should still be continued for at least two weeks after the symptoms disappear.

In addition, Adhanom also emphasized that people who want to visit this recovered patient should not be allowed. "Visitors are not allowed until the period is over," he said.