Steps To Prevent Transmission Of COVID-19 To Pregnant Women, Nursing Mothers, And Toddlers

JAKARTA - The spread of the corona virus or COVID-19 can be through anything, including pregnant women, nursing mothers, and babies and children. In fact, most recently there were toddlers who contracted this virus.

The Indonesian Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jakarta Raya (POGI JAYA) calls for safety for pregnant women, nursing mothers, babies and children from this virus.

Pregnant women and newborns should be considered as the main risk population in this strategy for the prevention and management of COVID-19 infection.

Based on several examples of cases in the handling of the corona virus, and previously SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, it is believed that pregnant women have a higher risk of contracting severe disease, morbidity and mortality compared to the general population.

Secretary General of POGI JAYA Ulul Albab said, although there are still no cases of exposure to COVID-19 in pregnant women and nursing mothers in Indonesia, these two groups also need to be vigilant by increasing their immunity.

"Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are prone to various diseases due to hormonal changes so that their immune system automatically decreases," he said in a statement received by VOI, Tuesday, March 17.

Ulul suggested, when pregnant and breastfeeding women experience flu symptoms or the same symptoms as COVID-19, immediately consult a gynecologist and carry out a COVID-19 check. That way, the doctor can recommend the best treatment for the patient to prevent further exposure to the virus.

In addition, POGI JAYA also asked the hospital to pay attention to the safety of pregnant medical personnel while handling COVID-19 patients. Priority for safety equipment must be given priority to medical personnel who are pregnant.

Research conducted and published by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Royal College of Midwives and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, with input from the Royal College of Anaesthetists, Public Health England and Health Protection Scotland, until now there is still no evidence that the virus can be transmitted to the baby during pregnancy.

Ulum added, as a preventive approach, pregnant women with suspected or confirmed coronavirus when they are about to give birth, are advised to immediately see their obstetrician and arrange their birth plans to be followed as closely as possible.

In addition, until now there has been no evidence that the virus can be carried in breast milk, so that the baby can experience the benefits of breastfeeding beyond the potential risk of transmitting the corona virus through breast milk.

POGI JAYA also recommends that pregnant women with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection should be treated with supportive therapy taking into account the physiological adaptations of pregnancy. Emergency delivery and other emergency decisions are based on many factors, namely gestational age, condition of the mother, and stability of the fetus. Consultation with obstetric, neonatal, and intensive care specialists (depending on the condition) is very important.

The following are POGI JAYA's recommendations regarding the safety of pregnant and lactating women so they are not exposed to COVID-19:

Consumption of nutritious and healthy foods along with vitamins for pregnant women Avoid leaving the house when not needed. If you have to leave the house, wear tightly closed clothes and a mask. After returning from home, wash your body immediately with a shower, and do not approach children before cleaning the body. Avoid being in the crowd. Try to keep your distance from each other when you are in a crowd. If a breastfeeding mother has flu symptoms, fever, when giving breast milk, it should not be given directly, but pumped first and given through other equipment (spoons, bottle nipples, etc.) Immediately consult a doctor if you feel unwell and have symptoms flu-like. Consult with your gynecologist about other precautions that need to be taken according to your body condition.