Pascalongsor, Bogimi Toll Road Cigombong-Cibadak Section Ready To Function Starting Thursday Afternoon

After emergency handling and location cleaning on the Bocimi Toll Road, Cigombong - Cibadak Km 64+600, the PUPR Ministry together with the Sukabumi Resort Police (Polres) confirmed that the section can be used to help reduce traffic density during the Eid Al-Fitr 2024 Homecoming period. According to information updates received from the Sukabumi Police, the flow from Bogor - Cigombong - Cibadak to Sukabumi is currently dense and is currently preparing for the opening of its functional lane. Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR Endra S. Atmawidjaja said, the plan is that the toll road will be opened around 12.00 WIB starting from the Cigombong Gate (KM 60) towards Cibadak/Parung Equestrian Gate (KM 72) - Sukabumi. "With safety consideration, only one lane at KM64+600 B is opened functionally, where the traffic arrangement is fully carried out by the Sukabumi Police," Endra told the media, Thursday, April 11. Endra emphasized that an open-closed system will be enforced on this functional section, with operational hours under control of the Sukabumi Police. It is possible between 07.00 to 17.00 WIB every day.

"The PUPR Ministry together with PT. Trans Jabar Toll Roads as BUJT will still be on standby in the field to ensure that this functional toll service runs well. We also urge to toll road users to remain careful and always follow the directions of police officers in the field for mutual safety and security," said Endra. Endra said, during the Lebaran Homecoming period, the use of all functional toll roads, including the Bogombong - Cibadak / Parungkuda toll roads, was free of charge.