Dilakson Parade And Dim Lights Color The Queues Of Cars Entering Ships In Merak

MERAK - The horn parade and dim lights colored the queue of cars traveling on the Portlink-III motor boat (KMP) at 19.30 WIB in the Merak Port area, Banten on D-2 Lebaran 2024.

This attraction is a way for travelers to follow the interactive quiz conducted by PT Indonesia Ferry Property (IFPRO) while waiting for passenger loading time to get a voucher gift to stay in Labuan Bajo.

"We distributed seven total prizes actually, the first is three vouchers staying at the Meruorah Labuan Bajo Hotel, four vouchers staying at the Sosoro Hotel at Sosoro Mall Merak, so this can add a little entertainment for travelers," said General Manager Commercial and Business IFPRO Deddy Effendi in Merak, Banten, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, April 8.

Deddy said the interactive quiz can be used by travelers from their cars by following the instructions carried out by the team from the above stage of the second floor music entertainment Sosoro Mal-Merak.

The instruction is that if the left hand code is raised, it means that the driver must turn on the dim lights, while the right hand is raised as a sign that the horn must be honked.

Homecomers who can follow these instructions properly will get a prize.

Deddy said that this is the first time the interactive quiz has been done in 2024 in order to welcome the Eid homecoming season which was "more spilled" than before, during COVID-19.

He hopes that these activities can maintain interaction with travelers so that they do not feel too tired by the presence of joy through the various prizes and music entertainment presented.

The Ministry of Transportation noted that the highest number of passengers on D-3 Lebaran, Sunday (7/4) occurred on ferry transportation, which was 367,031 passengers.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation Adita Irawati said the highest number of passengers occurred on crossings. The percentage reaches 31.06 percent of the total number of public transport passengers in all modes.

The presence of music and interactive quizzes on the Sosoro Merak Mall Corner stage on the second floor has become one of the supporting facilities provided by IFPRO as a joint venture company for PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) and PT Pembangunan Perumahan, Tbk to provide entertainment to travelers.