Acting Governor Of South Sumatra Asks Truck Drivers To Turn Back To Unravel Betung Congestion

PALEMBANG - Acting Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel) Agus Fatoni asked truck drivers with goods other than basic needs to turn back to their place of origin to relieve congestion.

"Today I am monitoring the flow of homecoming and still find common goods trucks operating on the East Cross Road (Jalintim) of Sumatra between Palembang-Betung towards Jambi and vice versa, which for the past few days has experienced severe congestion. For this reason, I ask the officers to act firmly to direct the truck driver to turn around to unravel the congestion," Agus Fatonidi Palembang said as reported by ANTARA, Monday, April 8.

In addition to taking firm action against truck drivers who violate the rules for crossing during the Lebaran homecoming flow, the Acting Governor of South Sumatra instructed Dishub officers to optimally assist the police in regulating traffic flow and unraveling congestion.

With firm action against truck drivers and the decline of officers on traffic jams, he said, it is hoped that the flow of Eid homecoming, especially in Jalintim Sumatra, will run smoothly.

Previously, the South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General A Rachmad Wibowo said his party was limiting the traffic of trucks or vehicles axis three and over on April 5-16, 2024 to support the smooth flow of Eid homecoming.

"Mulai 5 April pukul 09.00 WIB sampai 16 April pukul 08.00 WIB dilakukan pembatasan kendaraan axi tiga atau lebih, kecuali truk yang menggangkut sembako dan BBM boleh tetap melintas sebagai biasa," ujarnya.

With the restriction on the traffic of goods trucks, he said, it is hoped that the road that will be passed by the community for Lebaran homecoming will avoid congestion. In addition, it also coordinates with the National Road Maintenance Center (BPJN) to ensure that the traffic in the South Sumatra region is in good condition.

"The BPJN has completed road repairs in the South Sumatra region which is directly adjacent to Lampung, Jambi, and Bengkulu," he explained.

To ensure the smooth flow of the Lebaran homecoming, the Kapolda also conducted a review of the Palembang -Lampung highway and toll road.

Reviewing the readiness of the route and securing the homecoming flow in Operation Ketupat Musi 2024 was carried out by the South Sumatra Police Chief together with relevant stakeholders such as Jasa Raharja Head of South Sumatra Mulkan, South Sumatra Transportation Agency Head Yanuar Syafrin, South Sumatra BPBD Sudirman Official, and South Sumatra Class II BPTD Head Denny Michels Adlan.

"I conducted a direct review of the homecoming route in this province to ensure the readiness of road infrastructure used by the community during the Lebaran momentum," said the South Sumatra Police Chief.