LBH Building In Menteng Burns, Here's The Chronology

JAKARTA - A fire incident just occurred on Jalan Diponegoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta. It is confirmed that the building that caught fire on April 7 that night was the LBH-YLBH building.

Several videos were uploaded by netter on platform X. After being discussed, YLBHI uploaded a press release regarding the chronology of events.

"On Sunday, April 7, 2024, at around 22.00 WIB, the LBH YLBHI office caught fire, the exact cause of the fire is not yet known," reads the statement from the X YLBHI account.

LBH-YLBHI press release Building LBH-YLBHI on Diponegoro Street, Menteng, caught fire On Sunday, April 7, 2024, at around 22.00 WIB the LBH YLBH office caught fire, the exact cause of the fire was unknown. According to eyewitnesses, W (owner of the catfish pecel shop in front of the LBH office), he...

There were several witnesses around the scene, who heard the sound of an explosion, at around 10 pm.

"According to eyewitnesses, W (The owner of the pecel catfish shop in front of the LBH office), he heard 3 times the sound of loud explosions and sparks that were thought to have come from AC on the 2nd floor of the YLBHI Building. From this explosion, a flames appeared which immediately spread to the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building. At around 22.15, 6 units of fire engines came and tried to extinguish the fire. Currently, the flames have been extinguished but are still in the process of monitoring the firefighters so that the fire does not spread," the statement continued.

The fire team is currently handling the incident to prevent further impacts. Fortunately there were no casualties from the fire.

"There were no casualties in this fire incident. It is not yet known the losses suffered due to the fire. Jakarta, April 7, 2024. The management of YLBHI, Muhamad Isnur."