Palestinian Defenders, Brusselsns Protest In Front Of Israeli Embassy

JAKARTA - Pro-Palestinian activists rallied in front of the Israeli embassy in Brussels, the Belgian capital, on Friday, April 5 evening. The activist demanded Israel stop the attack on the Gaza Strip.

Citing Antara, according to a report by RIA Novosti, Russia's news agency, protesters also urged Israel to comply with the resolutions issued by the United Nations (UN).

The demonstration itself received permission from the Brusselsn authorities and took place under additional security from the police. All roads leading to the Israeli embassy were blockaded by the police.

However, after seeing the number of protesters increase significantly, the police announced through loudspeakers that the protest action should end sooner.

The protesters were then pushed away from the demonstration site, but they kept shouting slogans on other streets.

Earlier this week, mass media reported that Israel had temporarily closed its diplomatic mission offices in a number of countries for fear of being attacked.

Iran on Tuesday (2/4) expressed its determination to retaliate against a recent Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, the Syrian capital.

Upon the warning, the Israeli military observed the security situation and had decided to summon reserve soldiers to be assigned to Israeli air defense units.