Tantri Box Supports Her Eldest Daughter To Become A Little Singer

JAKARTA - Tantri Kotak's achievements as a band vocalist cannot be separated from the big role of parents. He knew music and was supported in achieving his dream as a singer thanks to his father.

Seeing what happened to her, Tantri and her husband, Arda Naff agreed to support her eldest daughter, Karanada Medina Tanarda alias Kara, to become a child singer.

"As parents, we are the media to facilitate children, so they are free to choose what they want to be. From childhood, we have given facilities for all the activities he likes, and finally he can choose which one he likes," said Tantri in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta some time ago.

"I saw how my father supported me, so I feel too guilty if my son wants to be a singer, he wants to entertain (but not supported)," he continued.

Tantri said that her son had asked several times to have his own song. Kara wasbit wanted to sing to entertain her friends.

Finally, Kara also released a single titled Main Sama Aku in early March. The song is his debut single as a child singer.

Not only having the will, Tantri saw that her child had a talent in singing. While undergoing the recording process, Kara managed to do it well.

"There was also one moment when I was taking vocals, when he recorded it for the first time, I sat next to him to be a vocal director (vocal director), he didn't hear it. Then when I heard the results, it turned out to be good," said Tantri.

However, the Kotak vocalist did not want to burden his child like a professional. He just wanted to see his son proud and happy because he had his own song.

"Because he is still eight years old, the important thing is that he is happy. I never had a target for this child to become a singer. I just want him to be happy doing this," said Tantri.

"That's also the reason why Arda and I chose to produce our own, not the same label. Because we are not willing to see him make money," he said.