Acting Governor Of Central Java Urges Travelers To Beware Of Weather Change

Acting Governor of Central Java Nana Sudjana appealed to travelers to be aware of the frequent weather changes that have occurred in recent times.

On the sidelines of checking the readiness of the Solo-Yogyakarta toll road in Klaten Regency, Nana asked people who would pass through Central Java to continue to pay attention to weather forecasts from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

Moreover, according to predictions, moderate to high rainfall still has the potential to occur in several areas in Central Java, including several homecoming routes and alternatives.

"What needs to be considered is the mountainous area, but not necessarily the northern coastal area is not protected from the weather. So we still have to be vigilant," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, April 4.

Regarding the readiness of the toll road, he said, it will be opened functionally up to Klaten.

"Meanwhile, the toll exit is via Ngawen or in Karanganom," he said.

He said the functional toll road along approximately 22.3 km will take effect from Friday (5/4) at 06.00-17.00 WIB.

In addition, security and service posts will also be established at the entrance and exit of the functional toll road.

"It functions one route for homecoming from Asolole Klaten. This will take effect on April 5-11. It will open at 06.00-17.00 WIB," he said.

He said the opening of the functional toll road was carried out on homecoming and backflow.

"The time is 06.00-17.00 WIB, April 12-15. This is situational, we will see the progress of the travelers," he said.

According to him, the toll road functional is optimized during the day because the toll road is still in the construction process. In fact, he said, the route is also not equipped with road markings, lighting, and traffic signs.