Truck Restrictions Applicable From Tomorrow, Movements At Ciwandan Port Are Predicted To Reduce

JAKARTA - PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) predicts that the movement of vehicles or logistics trucks through Ciwandan Port will decrease. Especially for logistics trucks that are included in the VII group.

Class VII vehicles are goods cars or tronton trucks, tank cars, the following towing cars along with heavy equipment vehicles with a length of more than 10 meters to 12 meters.

Corporate Secretary of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Shelvy Arifin said the reduced movement of logistics trucks was in line with the implementation of restrictions on operational transportation of goods to Merak Port during the Lebaran 2024 homecoming period.

As is known, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), Korlantas Polri and the Ministry of PUPR have officially issued a Joint Decree (SKB) Number: KP-DRJD 1305/2024, SKB/67/11/2024, 40/KPTS/Db/2024 on March 5, 2024 regarding the regulation of operational restrictions on goods transportation on the Eid holiday.

"If you refer to the SKB, starting tomorrow the movement of logistics trucks through Ciwan Port will decrease, especially for class VII. So that our hope is that Ciwandan Port can be maximized for motorcycles, and class VI logistics trucks," said Shelvy in Jakarta, Thursday, April 4.

To serve the surge in motorcycle travelers via Ciwandan, ASDP has also intensively coordinated with BPTD Class II Banten as the regulator to prepare 7 ships with large enough capacity to serve crossings through 3.7 piers, and 5a ports of Ciwandan, namely KMP Kumala, KMP Als Elvina, KMP Wira Artha, KMP Dorothy, KMP Rajakarta, KMP Panorama, and KMP Amadea with a total of 21 trips per day.

"To avoid queuing the ship due to the operation of the Ciwandan port, the Unloading Arrival (TBB) pattern will be applied at piers 4 and 6 of Bakauheni ports and the Departing Charge Arrival (TMB) pattern at piers 3.7, and 5a of Ciwandan ports as well as piers 4 and 7 Merak ports," he said.

Entering D-6 Lebaran 2024 or April 4, continued Shelvy, the movement of travelers on motorbikes that will cross from Java to Sumatra via Ciwandan Port, Banten, was observed to be still sloping. Meanwhile, the traffic of class VI and VII logistics trucks is quite busy and under control.

Based on the monitoring of Merak post data as of 24 hours, 2,435 two-wheeled vehicles and 1,211 logistics vehicles have been dispatched to Bakauheni. In total production realizations reached 3,646 vehicles.

Shelvy said that the VIB and VII groups had been observed to have increased since they were first dispatched last Wednesday using KMP Kumala at 01.30 WIB.

"The ASDP production data shows that the traffic of vehicles diverted to Ciwandan, namely two-wheeled vehicles or groups I, II, and III until Thursday afternoon is still sloping. On the other hand, the traffic of trucks, which are dominated by groups VI and VII, has been quite busy since yesterday but has been monitored to be busy smoothly until this afternoon," he said.

As is known, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) limits the operation of goods transportation to Merak Port during the Lebaran 2024 homecoming period.

Restrictions are carried out on toll roads and non-toll roads to Merak Port, starting April 5, 2024 at 09.00 WIB, until April 16, 2024 at 08.00 WIB.

Restrictions on the operation of freight transport include:

Cars of goods with three or more axes, affix train, or a trailer. Goods cars used for the transportation of excavated products (land, sand, stone) and mining products, as well as building materials such as iron, cement, and wood.

The goods vehicles that are excluded are basic ingredients (rice, sugar, corn, soybeans, onions, chilies, meat, eggs, chicken, cooking oil, and so on). Pupuk, livestock, animal feed, and natural disaster management needs.

Then, fuel oil (BBM) or gas fuel (BBG), election logistics or recovery, delivery of money, and motorbikes for free and return.