Former Semarang Walkot Hendrar Prihadi No Comments On Moncer's Electability In The Central Java Gubernatorial Election

SEMARANG - Head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) Hendrar Prihadi did not want to comment on his high electability in one of the results of the 2024 Central Java Governor and Deputy Governor Election survey.
"Yes, it's 'no comment', we are at the LKPP event. So, it's not a political matter. The politics is my political leadership business," said Hendi, Hendrar Prihadi's nickname, in Kendal Regency, Central Java, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, April 3.
This was conveyed by the former Mayor of Semarang during the Socialization of Goods/Services Procurement for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Kendal Regency.
So far, Hendi admits that he is still focused on his duties as Head of LKPP RI and submits political affairs, including simultaneous regional elections to leaders of political parties.
"Nothing, there is no comment," he said, when he was again questioned about his highest electability compared to other names in the survey conducted by Archi Research And Strategy Indonesia.
Recently, the Archi Research and Strategy survey institute released the results of a survey of public opinion on names that have the potential to advance as candidates for Governor of Central Java in the simultaneous regional elections in November.
The survey results place the name Hendrar Prihadi (Hendi) with the highest electability rate, which is 23.21 percent, followed by KH. Muhammad Yusuf Chudlori (Gus Yusuf) is in second place with 16.07 percent.
After that, Dico Ganinduto (Regent of Kendal) with 13.39 percent, Sudaryono (Chairman of Central Java Gerindra DPD) 10.71 percent, Taj Yasin Maimoen (former Deputy Governor of Central Java) at 7.14 percent.
Below it, there is Bambang Wuryanto (Bambang Pacul) with the acquisition of 6.25 percent, Sudirman Said (former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources) 5.36 percent, and the rest, namely 17.86, have not made a choice.