Central Government Prohibits Regions From Making Their Own Decisions To Handle COVID-19

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo warned local governments, both Governors and Mayors and Regents to consult with the central government in determining policies for handling the corona virus.

Doni said that the handling meant was to determine a protocol covering four aspects, namely prevention, response, recovery and a team of experts.

"All regional policies related to COVID-19 must be consulted first with the Central Government, through the Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19," said Doni at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Monday, March 16.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian continued, the form of handling that must be consulted is the determination of the emergency status for handling in the regions, such as conducting lock downs.

"Determining the policy on the status of an emergency area or not, it will be in touch with other absolute government affairs, especially the monetary and fiscal economy. It is important that it needs national consultation," said Tito.

However, the central government has given special authority to the regions (decentralization) in managing the management of education and health for citizens. However, when it has penetrated into the issue of national unity, one must coordinate with the central government.

For information, a number of local governments have moved quickly to issue policies with the aim of preventing the transmission of the corona virus from becoming more widespread.

For example, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil has eliminated teaching and learning activities for early childhood, kindergarten, elementary, junior high and high school students. Students are asked to study at home starting from March 16-30 2020.

Then, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan also made a series of decisions. Among them are eliminating teaching and learning activities in schools, closing tourist destinations and public parks, and limiting the use of public transportation.