Reviewing GT Kalikangkung, National Police Chief Calls 3 Priority Things For Homecoming Readiness

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said there were three things that were a priority in preparing for the 2024 Eid homecoming flow in Central Java.

First regarding how to break down traffic jams. It is estimated that there will be an increase in the number of travelers by 56 percent this year's Eid.

Vehicles crossing the Kalikangkung Toll Gate will increase by 4 percent. Meanwhile, in the backflow, it is predicted that there will be an increase of up to 1.5 percent.

"So this requires special attention, there are three things that are of concern to us. First, how can traffic jams be resolved properly," said Sigit after reviewing the readiness of homecoming at GT Kalikangkung, Wednesday, April 3.

Therefore, the National Police and related parties will add several toll exit doors. It is hoped that this method can unravel congestion.

Then, at toll exit points, additional officers will also be prepared with a card reader machine to speed up traffic flow.

The second priority is to reduce the number of traffic accidents during the Lebaran 2024 homecoming period. This is important to do so that all people who carry out homecoming can return to their area of origin safely.

On the other hand, Sigit also appealed to travelers not to force themselves while driving to their hometowns. He asked people who are tired of being able to take advantage of the rest area to the posts that have been provided.

"There is a rest area that can be used for a short break but also an exit route is prepared to lead to arterial routes, which of course many places can be used for rest," he said.

Finally, Sigit appealed to people who have been able to carry out their homecoming to immediately start their journey. By carrying out their homecoming early, it is hoped that it will reduce the burden of traffic flow at the peak of the Lebaran homecoming flow.

"Although we use one way engineering, of course if everyone chooses it will be very congested and traffic jams will occur," said Sigit.

"Therefore, free homecoming is prepared on the 6th and 7th, please contact the Korlantas or the local Police. From the Ministry of Transportation there is, the Ministry of SOEs also exists," continued Sigit.