The Judicial Commission Announces 37 Candidates For Supreme Court Justices To Pass Quality Selection, Here's A List Of Names

The Judicial Commission (KY) announced that 37 candidates for Supreme Court justices had passed the quality selection, according to the results of the Plenary Meeting of KY in Jakarta, Wednesday, April 3.

KY member Taufiq HZ revealed that as many as 37 candidates for Supreme Court justices managed to cross the threshold (passing grade) of the value set by KY.

"The decision to pass this quality selection is final and cannot be contested," Taufiq said at a press conference announcing the graduation of the selection of candidates for Supreme Court justices in 2024 which was monitored online.

He said that the selection participants for candidates for Supreme Court justices who passed were entitled to take part in the health selection on April 22-23, 2024, as well as the selection of personality and competence on April 24-30, 2024.

Candidates for Supreme Court justices who pass quality selection but do not participate in health and personality selections, he said, will be declared dead. On the other hand, Taufiq asked selection participants to ignore various parties who promised to help success or graduation in the selection process.

In addition, he hopes that people with clear identities can provide written information or opinions about track records (integrities, capacities, behavior, and character) of candidates for Supreme Court justices who pass the quality selection.

Information or written opinion was received by the Selection Team for Candidates for Supreme Court Justices of the Republic of Indonesia no later than May 22, 2024 at the e-mail address: recruitment or at the address of the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (Secretariat Team for Selection of Candidates for Supreme Court Justices) on Jalan Kramat Raya Number 57, Central Jakarta (10450), Call (021) 3905876-77 / 31903661.

Taufiq explained that the 37 candidates for Supreme Court justices who passed included 15 candidates for Supreme Court justices who chose a criminal room, 6 people chose a civil room, 4 people chose a religious room, 4 people chose a state administrative room, and 8 people chose a special state administration room for taxes.

The following is a list of the names of 37 candidates for Supreme Court justices who passed the quality selection:

A. Criminal Chamber1. Bondan (High Court Judge Denpasar)2. Abdul Azis (High Court of Medan High Court)3. Ahmad Shalihin (Chairman of the North Maluku High Court)4. Alimin Ribut Sujono (High Court of the Banjarmasin High Court)5. Annas Mustaqim (High Law of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia) 6. Andreas Eno Tirtakusuma (Ad Hoc Tipikor Judge at the Surabaya High Court)7. Aviantara (Deputy Chairman of the Manado High Court) 8. Bambang Antariksa (Ad Hoc Law of the Palembang High Court)9. Eddy Parulian Siregar (High Court of Samarinda)10. Edward Tumimbul Hamonangan Simarmata (High Court of the Palembang High Court)11. Khamim Thohari (High Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia) 12. Marollop Simamora (High Court of Samarinda)13. Setyanto Hermawan (High Law of Makassar High Court) 14. Sohe (High Court of the Palembang High Court) 15. Sudharamawatiningsih (Priday Registra Special Crime of the Supreme Court of the Republic of the Republic of Indonesia)

B. Civil Chamber1. Bambang Hery Mulyono (Head of the Research and Education and Training Agency for Law and Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia)2. Edy Pramono (High Judge for sorting Cases at the Indonesian Supreme Court) 3. Ennid Hasanuddin (Junior Registrar of Civil Court of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia)4. Gunawan Widjaja (Lecturer of the Faculty of Law, University of August 17, 1945 Jakarta)5. Eko Purwanto (High Judge of the Riau Islands High Court)6. Sobandi (Head of the Legal and Public Relations Bureau, Agency for Administrative Affairs, Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia)

C. Kamar Agama1. Insyafli (Chairman of the Bandar Lampung Religious High Court)2. Lailatul Arofah (High Judge of the Indonesian Supreme Court Supervisory Agency)3. Mamat Ruhimat (High Judge of the Bandar Lampung Religious High Court)4. Muhayah (Vice Chairman of the Samarinda High Court of Religion)

D. State Administrative Chamber1. Bonnyarti Kala Lande (High Judge of the Palembang State Administrative High Court)2. Hari Sugiharto (Director of Technical Power Development and Administration of State Administrative Courts, Directorate General of Military Courts and State Administrative Courts of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia)3. Mukhlis (Deputy Chancellor of Malikussaleh University)4. Mustamar (Regional Inspector III of the Supervisory Agency of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia)

E. State Administrative Chamber (Khusus Pajak)1. Ali Hakim (Chairman of the Tax Court )2. Budi Nugroho (Tax Court Judge)3. Diana Malemita Ginting (President Auditor at Inspectorate II, Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance)4. Doni Budiono (Lawyer at GDP Law Firm)5. Sih Advianto Day (Tax Court Judge)6. Tri Hidayat Wahyudi (Tax Court Judge)7. Widodo (Expert Officer at the Indonesian House of Representatives Legislation Agency) 8. Yosephine Riane Ernita Rachmasari (Tax Court Judge)