Victims Of Komodo Bites On Rinca Island, NTT Gradually Recovered

NTT - Romansyah (39), a victim of a Komodo bite in the core area of Komodo National Park (TNK) is now in good condition after being treated at the Komodo Labuan Bajo Regional General Hospital (RSUD). The resident of Komodo Village received injuries to both hands and left thighs due to a bite of Komodo while looking for forest honey in Loh Ginggo, Rinca Island on Tuesday, April 2.

"Last night he was treated at Siloam Labuan Bajo Hospital, but was referred to Komodo Labuan Bajo Hospital for further medical treatment," said Head of TNK Center Hendrikus Rani Siga when met in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Wednesday. He explained that his party would provide assistance to victims affected by the Komodo animal bite disaster. "In the core zone there are a number of Komodo that are very sensitive to the presence of humans, he said. So, he continued, a number of Komodos in that location tend to be very sensitive when meeting humans in their habitat. "Unlike Komodo in areas where there are daily tourism activities such as in Loh Liang, Loh Buaya or residents in areas where there is interaction with humans," he said.

Lebih lanjut, dia juga mengatakan berdasarkan inventarisasi populasi Komodo di kawasan TNK saat ini berjumlah sebanyak 3.396 ekor Komodo.Komodo tersebar di beberapa lokasi, yakni di Pulau Rinca sebanyak 1.509 ekor, Pulau Komodo sebanyak 1.694 ekor, Gili Motang sebanyak 70 ekor, Nusa Kode sebanyak 92 dan Pulau Padar sebanyak 31 ekor.Sebelumnya Tim SAR Gabungan mengevakuasi korban gigitan Komodo menggunakan RIB (Rigit Inflatable Boat) Pos SAR Manggarai Barat yang dilengkapi dengan emergency kit dan tandu.Tim SAR Gabungan yang tiba di lokasi kejadian segera mengevakuasi korban yang telah berada di sekoci milik Balai Taman Nasional Komodo (BTNK) ke RIB Pos SAR Manggarai Barat dan membawa korban ke Labuan Bajo.Kondisi korban usia kejadian dalam keadaan lemas serta terdapat luka akibat gigitan Komodo di lengan tangan dan kaki korban.Setelah tiba di Pelabuhan Marina Labuan Bajo, kata dia, korban langsung dievakuasi menggunakan ambulans ke rumah sakit.