Vice President Supports Scouts To Be Extracurricular To Choices
JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin supports the decision of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem A. Makarim who states that scouters are no longer obligatory extracurricular at school.
The Vice President assessed that the decision had a positive impact because scouters are currently chosen extracurricular, where later they will enter the scout according to the interests of their respective students.
The vice president based on information from the Press Bureau of the Vice Presidential Secretariat stated that this should not be a problem. This is because the ministerial regulation does not remove scouters from the learning department of students, but rather provides options for implementing it.
"Actually, Permendikbud did not eliminate it (the leader) but shifted it. Previously, his position was mandatory, being an option according to extracurricular. I think that's good. Because later it won't be like yesterday, for example like it or not, then he was forced. With that choice, he really had the intention. That would be even better," said the Vice President after opening the "Banten Halal Festival Ramadhan: From Banten to the World" at the Syariah Tower of Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) 2, Tangerang Regency, Banten reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 2. The decision was contained in Ministerial Regulation Number 12 of 2024 concerning Curriculum in Early Childhood Education, Basic Education Levels, and Secondary Education Levels issued on March 25, 2024.
The vice president emphasized that scouters remain part of student learning because they have important values because in scout there are lessons about patriotism and individual integrity as citizens who must be nurtured early on.
"We all have the same opinion that scouters are important. It is to provide education to our students. I think there are many benefits in order to provide integrity as citizens, mental preparation. We all say that scouting is important," he said.
In the future, the Vice President also hopes that the community and related parties in the field of education can wisely respond to this change so that the pros and cons that occur in society are not sustainable and cause unwanted reactions.
"I don't think that's a problem. I don't think so. Because it's not abolished, it's given to those who have extracurricular interests. There are many (extracturicular), so everyone can choose what they taste more according to their heart," he said.