Medan Prosecutor's Office Names Former Dirkeu Adam Malik Hospital As A Corruption Suspect

The Medan District Attorney (Kejari) has named the former Director of Finance (Dirkeu) of the Haji Adam Malik Central General Hospital with the initials MB who is suspected of committing a criminal act of corruption in the management of state finances in the 2018 budget.

"Today, special criminal investigators found sufficient evidence to determine the suspect to MB," said Head of the Medan Kejari Muttaqin Harahap as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 2.

Muttaqin continued that MB was the superior of the Army who had previously been named a suspect on Wednesday (27/3) who was suspected of committing a criminal act of corruption in the management of state finances in the 2018 budget.

The modus operandi of the suspects AD and MB is suspected of collecting PPh 21, PPh 22 and PPh 23 and VAT for the 2018 fiscal year, but is not deposited into the state treasury.

In addition, it also did not pay the 12 transactions that had been recorded, paid to the 2018 general treasury agency (BKU) to a third party, of which the BLU funds were allegedly used by the suspect AD. For the actions of the two suspects, it resulted in state financial losses of around Rp. 8,059,455,203.

"AD as the treasurer of acceptance who is MB's superior, the suspect knows and on his orders," he said.

According to Muttaqin, this state financial loss has been audited by the Indonesian Financial Audit Agency (BKP) Number 06 dated February 16, 2024.

"MB was charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning amendments or Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code," said Muttaqin.

Kajari said that in this case investigators had developed and traced the flow of funds that were not covered up, it was possible that there would be new suspects.

"The Rp8 billion figure is not a small number, for that we will investigate if other parties enjoy it," said Muttaqqin.

The Medan Kejari has detained MB at the Medan Class I State Detention Center (Rutan) for the next 20 days.