BLBI Task Force Confiscates Assets Worth IDR 257 Billion, Here Are The Details

JAKARTA - The Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) carried out the confiscation of collateral related to ex-BLBI debtors/obligors and physical control in the form of installing signposts on ex-BLBI Property Assets in several regions in Indonesia.

This aims to resolve and restore state rights from BLBI funds by the BLBI Task Force.

Head of the BLBI Task Force Rionald Silaban said that currently his party has confiscated and controlled physically to reach a total estimated value of Rp257,004,467,000.

"The BLBI Task Force has carried out a series of strategies, programs, and activities to return collection rights to the state with efforts to collect obligors/debtors and handle property assets which are carried out in stages and measurably," he said in his official statement, quoted on Tuesday, April 2, 2024.

In the details, first, the confiscation of debtor's collateral on behalf of Lanny Trisnawaty Suyatno, the former Central Trade Bank in the form of 1 (one) building unit and 364 m2 of land located on Jl. Alam Asri I Number 8, Pondok Pinang Village, Kebayoran Lama District, South Jakarta. This is in accordance with SHGB Number 2041/Kelurahan Pondok Pinang a.n. Dradjat Basoeki, with an estimated value of Rp11,400,000,000.00.

These assets were confiscated in order to settle debt obligations to the state, which until now have not been fulfilled in the amount of Rp. 18,880,105,134.00 (not including the State Receivable Management Fee/Head of VAT 10 percent).

Then, the confiscation of collateral for debtors PT. Primaswadana Perkasa Finance in the form of land covering an area of 1,690 m2 according to SHGB No.244 an. PT. Primaswadana Perkasa Finance which is located on Jalan Raya Pajajaran, Bogor City with an estimated value of Rp. 27,000,000,000.

The confiscation of these assets is in the context of completing debt obligations to the state, which until now have not been fulfilled in the amount of Rp1,568,901,739,772.26 (not including the State Receivable Management Fee/Head of VAT 10 percent).

Furthermore, the confiscation of collateral for the obligor Trijono Gondokusumo former Bank Putra Surya Perkasa in the form of 73 (seventy three) plots of land covering an area of 313,143 m2 located in Candi Village, Curugbitung District, Lebak Regency, Banten according to SHM a.n. Bong Djun Ngian and Susanna Kusnowo, with an estimated value of IDR 7,828,575,000.00.

These assets were confiscated in order to settle debt obligations to the state, which so far have not been fulfilled in the amount of Rp4,893,525,874,669.00 (not including the 10 percent VAT Biad).

Then, the confiscation of other assets is the collateral of the debtor PT Panca Esti Utama ex-Bank Asiatic (BDL) in the form of 1 (one) plot of land covering an area of 57,605 m2 according to SHM No. 127/Nagrak Selatan a.n. I Nengah Manawaska and one plot of land covering an area of 96,908 m2 according to SHM No. 129/South Nagrak a.n. Nyoman Suwirya, which is located in Nagrak Selatan Village, Nagrak District, Sukabumi District, with an estimated value of Rp. 8,275,892,000.00.

These assets were confiscated in order to settle debt obligations to the state, which so far have not been fulfilled in the amount of Rp. 17,700,000,000.00 (not including the 10 percent VAT Biad).

Furthermore, physical control with the installation of signposts on 73 plots of land covering an area of approximately 600,000 m2 was carried out for the property of the former BPPN in Cibening Village, Kec. Setu, Bekasi Regency, which came from collateral, was taken over by the former PT Bank Central Trade and is currently listed as state assets/richness, with an estimated value of IDR 150,000,000,000.

Furthermore, physical control of property assets through the installation of signposts over five plots of land covering an area of approximately 10,859 m2, located in Bojong Malaka Village, Baleendah District and Walini Block, Andir District, Bandung Regency, which came from collateral was taken over by the former PT Bank Niaga and is currently listed as state assets/richness, with an estimated value of Rp52,500,000,000.

Rionald revealed, for the property assets of the former BPPN/ex BLBI that have been physically controlled, further optimization of management will be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations.

"For the next stage, the BLBI Task Force has planned acts of physical control over property assets spread across various cities/regencies in Indonesia," he explained.

Meanwhile, the confiscation of collateral belonging to debtors/obligors will be continued through the PUPN mechanism, namely that sales are made openly through auctions and/or other settlements.

"The BLBI Task Force will continue to make ongoing efforts to ensure the return of state collection rights through a series of efforts such as blocking, confiscation, and selling of obligor/debtor assets which are guarantees and other assets owned by obligors/debtors who have received BLBI funds and have not or have not completed their obligations to the state properly," he concluded.