Judicial Commission Claims Integrity Index Of Judges In 2023 Experiences Improvement

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Judicial Commission (KY) Amzulian Rifai claims that the judge's integrity index in 2023 has increased by 0.15 points, from 7.84 in 2022 to 7.99 in 2023.

"The index value has increased by 0.15 points when compared to the value in 2022," said Amzulian Rifai during the submission of the 2023 KY Annual Report at the KY RI Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 2, which was confiscated by Antara.

Amzulian explained that the judge's integrity index was the result of measurements by KY in 34 provinces in Indonesia, in order to obtain value and impact on the implementation of performance in an effort to increase judge integrity.

"The overall value in 2023 is 7.99, with variable honesty, determination, self-control (self-control), and self-esteem (self-esteem)," said Amzulian.

KY, he added, is committed to improving the quality and integrity of judges through various efforts, such as supervising the behavior of judges, monitoring trials, selecting candidates for credible Supreme Court justices, education and training, public education, and improving information technology under the supervision of judges.

Throughout 2023, KY has increased the capacity of judges by organizing 12 training times for 600 judges. In addition, KY also advocated 21 events.

"21 incidents that are suspected of demeaning the honor and dignity of judges (PMKH) in the form of sabotage of decisions, commotion and chaos in trials, threats, insults, defamation, destruction of court facilities, persecution of judges and mistreatment of plaintiffs' attorneys in court," detailed the chairman. KY.

On that occasion, Amzulian thanked the Supreme Court (MA) of the Republic of Indonesia as KY's closest partner in realizing a clean and trusted trial by the public.

"We feel that there is a high commitment from the current leadership of the Supreme Court to work together with KY to improve public performance and trust in judicial institutions at all levels," he said.

The submission of the 2023 KY Annual Report carries the theme "Merajut Nusantara to Maintain the Integrity of Judges". Through this theme, KY emphasized that the institution prioritizes collaboration and coordination with stakeholders in an effort to present judges with integrity.