KPU Explains The Chronology Of The Late Issuance Of The 2024 Presidential Candidate News

JAKARTA - Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari explained the chronology of the late publication of the minutes for the receipt of files for presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2024 General Election, which is two days after the registration date ends on October 25, 2023.

The background of the explanation in the follow-up trial of the General Election Result Dispute (PHPU) case at the Constitutional Court, it began when one of the experts presented by the TPN Ganjar-Mahfud legal team, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya Aan Eko Widiarto, emphasized the DKPP which highlighted the irregularities committed by the KPU.

Previously, the Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) highlighted the issuance of the later minutes as an unusual act because they were not carried out in accordance with administrative laws.

Hasyim explained that there will be presidential and vice presidential candidate number one and three registering with the KPU on October 19, 2023. Then, candidate pair number two registers with the KPU on the last day of registration, namely on October 25, 2023.

"All of the couples will register once they register, there is only one category used by the KPU, namely whether the nomination document is complete or not," he said, Tuesday, April 2.

The three candidate pairs will then be given a health test introduction letter to the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital. Then, the results of the medical examination were submitted to the KPU on October 27, 2023 and became a required document.

Therefore, said Hasyim, the KPU can only publish minutes after receiving the letter of health examination results.

"In the KPU's view, when making the registration report, logically on October 28, it was not when the registration was received even though there was an assessment from the DKPP," he said.

For the KPU's answer, Aan said that the KPU should have written the minutes according to the date the candidates would register because they were prone to fraud.

"Because it can be stored later. For example, one of the parties argued that he had submitted the file on October 19, but suddenly the KPU said the file was incomplete. What do the parties hold?" he said.

He considered that the KPU should continue to make registration report according to the date, namely on October 25, 2023, and added that the health examination file was submitted after the registration process.

The legal team of TPN Ganjar-Mahfud presented nine experts and 10 fact witnesses in the trial of the proof of the applicant who was scheduled to hear the testimony of the applicant's expert and witness as well as the ratification of additional evidence of the applicant.

The nine experts presented were I Gusti Putu Artha, Suharto, Aan Eko Widiarto, Charles Semambura, Didin Damanhuri, Hamdi Muluk, Leony Lidya, and Risa Permana Deli.

Meanwhile, the 11 witnesses presented were Dadan Aulia Rahman, Endah Subekti Kuntariningsih, Pami Rosidi, Hairul Anas Suaidi, Memet Ali Jaya, Mukti Ahmad, Maruli Manunggang Purba, Sunandi Hartoro, Suprapto, Nendy Sukma Wartono.